Jonathan Cahn: Israel, the Dark Resurrection and the End of Days


God speaks to and through His prophets for our benefit.

In one of the most unexpected turns of events, rabbi and prophetic voice Jonathan Cahn saw a vision of a red dragon with a message regarding the end times and Israel he knew he had to write about. This message is entirely different than the book he thought he would write next. And while he still plans on releasing a “The Return of the Gods” sequel, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days” is the story he knew the world needed at this point in time.

“I’ve never written a book where as I’m writing it the things are happening in the world, and I had to keep updating it and changing it,” Cahn says in an exclusive interview with Charisma Media.

To pre-order Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit

“I’ve never had a book where there’s been so much attack before the book came out,” he continues.

Cahn recounts how a flood came into his ministry’s building during his writing of the “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” The building then flooded again for an entirely different reason the next day. In total, he experienced three different floods at his ministry’s building.

So, why has Cahn experienced such great spiritual warfare during the writing of this book?

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The Dragon’s Prophecy” unveils the ancient mysteries directly surrounding the Hamas attack that occurred on Oct. 7, of last year. These mysteries relate both the Scriptures of old and of what is still to come. In fact, Cahn described these specific mysteries to his congregation of Beth-Israel the day before Hamas invaded Israel.

“The mysteries in ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy,’ actually foretold, ordained, that there would be an attack on Israel in the year 2023. It would happen in the autumn of 2023. Tt would happen in the month of October. It would take place on a Sabbath day on the Saturday,” says Cahn.

This word not only came to pass quicker than anyone ever expected, but Cahn says the growing anti-Semitism around the world relates directly to the book of Revelation.

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“The first anti-Semite was an angel, a fallen angel, and so it’s supernatural. The dragon does not sleep, so it never ends,” Cahn says. “What just happened that took the world by surprise with Oct. 7, and all the outbreak of hatred of Israel was not an accident. It is spiritual and it is part of an ancient war.”

“The dragon is mentioned in Revelation 12,” he continues. “The dragon is at war with the woman. The woman has a crown of 12 stars. That’s Israel, the 12 tribes. The woman gives birth to Messiah. That’s only Israel.”

The Dragon’s Prophecy” releases on Tuesday, Sept. 3, and can be pre-ordered at

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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