Sarah Huckabee Sanders: ‘God Almighty Intervened’


Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders took the stage at the RNC last night where she gave thanks to God for His divine protection upon Donald Trump in the wake of what should have been a deadly disaster.

“I have always been proud to stand with President Trump, but never have I been more proud to stand with him right now, tonight,” Sanders said.

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“Not even an assassin’s bullet could stop him,” she continued. “God Almighty intervened because America is one nation under God, and He is certainly not finished with President Trump.”

Sanders further encouraged the audience not to be silent and passive during these dark moments, but to take heart and have courage because God still sits on the throne, in control of it all.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are not called to stand still in the face of great danger. You and I were put on this earth at a moment in time to charge boldly ahead. We cannot know what the future holds. But we know…who holds the future in His hands,” Sanders said.

“God spared President Trump from that assassin because God is not finished with him yet. And He most certainly is not finished with America yet either. With God as our guide and President Trump back in the White House, we will show the world that America is the place where freedom reigns and liberty will never die,” Sanders continued.

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The Arkansas governor also pointed out that the Left is not as female-friendly as they claim to be. During her time as press secretary under the Trump administration, she described being attacked by pundits who even said she was unfit to be a mom.

“I was insulted as a guest at the White House correspondents’ dinner. My family was denied service and kicked out of a restaurant. And a parent at my three-year-old son’s preschool spit on my car,” Sanders recalled.

As we enter into a new election season, this is the time to seek God for wisdom and direction for our nation.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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