School Busted Deceiving Parents Over ‘Genderqueer Witch’ Addressing Students


America has reached a sad state in her education where students are simply not safe in public schools anymore.

The threat of physical violence in many of the nation’s schools is not the only, or even most dangerous, factor facing young Americans today.

It is the schools’ constant indoctrination into dark and deceptive practices and ideologies that have left an entire generation confused and spiritually oppressed.

Things are so bad that social media accounts like Libs of TikTok have risen to the mainstream of society because they hold a mirror up to horrific practices being pushed onto children across the nation.

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A recent exposure of deception and attacks aimed at parents of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District in southeastern Pennsylvania showcases how hostile the public school system has become toward parents and their children.

The district, which gaslighted parents accusing them of spreading “misinformation” when first confronted over a sexual survey given to students by “genderqueer witch” Deni Tobin, has finally admitted to the breach of trust and inappropriate actions taking place within their schools.

As reported by The Daily Wire, “Unionville High School Principal Amy Jenkins admitted the surveys, from the Chester County Crime Victims Center, had been administered without proper parental consent in a summary of her investigation…and shared with The Daily Wire.”

Jenkins revealed that the districts own policy regarding giving students surveys “was not followed and necessary parental notice should have been issued in advance of such surveys consistent with the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment.”

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Considering the administration attacked parents before admitting their guilt, this looks like a case of “sorry we got caught” as opposed to “sorry we broke your trust.”

One parent, Chad Williams, has also accused the districts superintendent, John Sanville of stonewalling requests for transparency in the matter.

Meanwhile, parents still have unanswered questions and valid concerns about how Tobin was ever given access to children with presentations filled with “both witch-themed and sexually explicit material—[with] one picture features Tobin topless, showcasing that she had her breasts removed.”

Parents in all states must be vigilant in their children’s education. Far too often students are not being educated, but are instead being indoctrinated and led down a spiritually oppressive path by those who have no business being involved in the school system.

There is a biblical duty for parents to be involved in their children’s upbringing, and this includes holding those accountable who seek to brainwash their children with radical and harmful ideologies.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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