Cancer Took Most of His Tongue, but This Pastor Is Still Singing God’s Praise


A youth pastor in San Diego, California is not letting his battle with tongue and neck cancer stop him from singing and preaching about Jesus.

Last year, Pastor Jason David was in the fight of his life. He could not walk, he could not eat and he lost 60 pounds in a matter of months.

“The cancer began to leak a chemical in my body to the point that my body shut down and I looked like a plague victim,” he told members of Bonita Valley Community Church.

He underwent seven major surgeries, 35 rounds of radiation and eight weeks of chemotherapy to combat the sickness, and in the process, he lost 60 percent of his tongue.

“I was told I might never sing again, speak again, or even walk again,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

“These Walls” is an original song Pastor David wrote and it became his anthem as he fought cancer for more than a year.

“I wrote a majority of the song before [the cancer] … the verses and chorus. Had no idea who I was writing it for. Then, after everything happened, I wrote the bridge ‘Even in the suffering I’ll sing…'” he told CBN News in an email.

Pastor David has since had reconstructive surgery on his tongue and he is back in church preaching the gospel.

“I’m here today. I’m standing, I’m walking, I’m jumping,” he told the church. “And now I get to sing and speak about the goodness of God.”

He is encouraging millions of people by sharing his music and his testimony through Facebook and YouTube. “We pray this song will bless you—no matter what walls or mountains you may face, God is greater & God is good,” he wrote on Facebook. {eoa}

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