Congresswoman Declares ‘We Must Plead the Blood of Jesus Over This Nation’


Sean Feucht’s recent stop on the Kingdom to the Capitol Tour in Washington, D.C., sent a powerful message to the nation—a great awakening is coming and the kingdom of God will prevail over America.

During the six-day event in the nation’s capital, Feucht and thousands of others prayed and worshipped for revival, including Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado, whose light shines as a beacon for Christ in Washington in the midst of corruption and godlessness in our government.

“Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has been such a hero, and God has her in Congress for a reason,” Feucht said as he brought Boebert to the stage in front of the Supreme Court.

A charismatic Christian, Boebert, who reclaimed her seat during the mid-term elections in November, proclaimed her boldness for Christ and hope for America going forward.

“The Bible tells us to declare a thing and it shall be established,” Boebert said. “Thank you, Father God, that these (Supreme Court) Justices have wisdom and a revelation knowledge of You, that they may know the hope of their calling and that they will stand boldly.

“Today we celebrate life as though it has already happened. What would our victory look like if the matter was already won? The Lord God fights our battles. We declare the end from the beginning, and today, we stand for life. Do not relent. Do not back down.

“God has no pleasure in the souls that draw back. So, press in, and go forward. God bless you and God bless our Justices. Plead the blood of Jesus over them and over this nation.”

Boebert also joined Feucht in worshipping Jesus on the main floor of the capitol building, prompting author, preacher and podcaster Lance Wallnau to comment on Instagram:

March CM Cover“This video is so inspiring! It reminds me that we still have representatives who are truly submitted to the King of kings.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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