Greg Laurie Shares Photo of Jarrid Wilson Baptizing: ‘This Is How I Remember Him’


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Evangelist Greg Laurie shared a photo of megachurch pastor Jarrid Wilson—who committed suicide Monday evening—baptizing a young lady just two days before his death.

“This is Jarrid Wilson baptizing someone last Saturday,” Laurie says. “Look at the joy on both his and the young lady’s face that he baptized. This is how I remember Jarrid.”

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This is Jarrid Wilson baptizing someone last Saturday. Look at the joy on both his and the young lady’s face that he baptized. This is how I remember Jarrid. Jarrid’s wife Juli posted these words about her husband- “My loving, giving, kind-hearted, encouraging, handsome, hilarious, give the shirt of his back husband went to be with Jesus late last night, Suicide doesn’t get the last word. I won’t let it. You always said “Hope Gets the last word. Jesus gets the last word.” I will be speaking on Jarrid’s life and legacy tonight at @harvestorg and tomorrow night at @harvestoc My message title is taken from something Jarrid often said- “Hope Get’s The Last Word!” I will be speaking on Jarrid’s life and legacy tonight at Harvest Riverside and tomorrow night at Harvest OC. My message title is taken from something Jarrid often said- “Hope Get’s The Last Word!” We will also welcome Kay Warren share with us. Kay and Rick Warren (Pastor of Saddleback Church) will be sharing in our service. They lost their son Matthew to suicide some years ago.

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Wilson worked closely with Laurie as associate pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. He also advocated for mental health through his nonprofit, Anthem of Hope.

Other prominent Christian leaders and influencers also took to social media to mourn Wilson’s death, including Beth Moore, Lee Strobel, Jamie Grace and more:

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