Jonathan Cahn at the National Day of Prayer

Jonathan Cahn Opens National Day of Prayer With Prophetic Warning


Rabbi Jonathan Cahn issued a prophetic warning during his address at the National Day of Prayer.  

“America was to be a city on a hill to which the eyes of all people would look. The vision would come true,” he said.  

For America was modeled after Israel, Cahn said. And now, many of the same choices Israel made reverberate throughout the United States.  

“The founding vision of America was based on the ancient template of Israel, but in the days of her blessing, Israel turned away from God and His blessings, drove Him out of its government, out of its culture out of its national life. It celebrated the ways of godlessness and lifted up its children on the altars of Baal and Molech, and it called what was evil good and good evil. So too America in her blessings has turned from the God of her blessings.”

So how should we move forward? Watch the video to see. 


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