Phil Robertson Prophesies Over the Future of America

Phil Robertson accepts the 2015 Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award at CPAC.

Phil Robertson rolled his passion for God and morality into his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week.  

While accepting the Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award, Robertson prophesied over the future of America, saying the lack of morality is sickening the country.  

“Phil has the guts to do and say what most politicians in Washington won’t,” Stephen Bannon, Breitbart News Network executive chairman, tells the International Business Times. 

“I don’t want you, America, to get sick,” Robertson said. “I don’t want you to become ill. I don’t want you to come down with a debilitating disease. I don’t want you to die early!” 

He said the country’s increase in sexually transmitted diseases is a result of “Sex, drugs and rock’n’roll (having) come back to haunt us.” 

And it’s up to the politicians to carry their Bibles to protect their hearts — and their country from war.  

“Unless we get spiritual men in the White House to turn (the U.S.A.) around, we’re going to lose it,” he said

Otherwise, without Jesus, the country could be turned over “murderers.” 

Nazis, ancient Japanese Shintoists and now “this ISIS thing and these Muslims. What are they into? Territorial conquest … and murder.”  

And the way to avoid that?  

“God help us.”

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