Pastor John Hagee

Sen. Lieberman, Pastor Hagee Speak at a Night to Honor Israel in Bloomfield


Sen. Joseph Lieberman and Pastor John Hagee addressed a crowd of more than 2,500 at a Night to Honor Israel. The event was hosted by Christians United for Israel (CUFI) at The First Cathedral in Bloomfield.

Archbishop LeRoy Bailey, Jr., lead pastor at The First Cathedral and a 2011 recipient of the Anti-Defamation League’s Greater Hartford Torch of Liberty Award, served as the event’s master of ceremonies.

Speaking of the Jewish people, Bailey said, “You are our friends. Our fathers taught us this when we were children. We love and thank God for choosing you to light our lamp of faith in the Lord we have chosen.”

During his remarks, Lieberman discussed the importance of Christians and Jews working together in support of Israel, and the impact CUFI’s efforts were having in Washington.

“Senators Bob Casey, Lindsey Graham and I introduced a bipartisan resolution last month that explicitly rules out a strategy of containment for Iran and reaffirms that the U.S. has a vital national interest in preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear-weapons capability,” Lieberman said.

“We then gained the critical support of CUFI which sent out an Action Alert to its national members encouraging them to contact their representatives in Washington to support our resolution. We now have 57 signatures on our resolution.”

Hagee, CUFI’s founder and chairman, joined Lieberman in noting the importance of standing with Israel during this perilous time.

“Across the country Christians are coming together and standing with the people of Israel. With terrorists firing rockets at the Jewish State from Gaza, and Iran continuing its pursuit of nuclear weapons, we cannot be silent,” Hagee noted after the event.

The speakers were joined on the stage by musical guest James “JJ” Hairston, director of the renowned gospel choir Youthful Praise.


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