Ehab Jaber ranted about guns in a still from his video.

What Happened When a Heavily Armed Muslim Man Showed Up at a Christian Conference


A heavily armed Muslim man broadcast a Facebook Live video from the parking lot of a Christian conference, telling viewers to “Be scared” or “Be terrified.”

The conference featured keynote speaker Shahram Hadian, an ex-Muslim who fell in love with Jesus.

Ehab Jaber, who broadcast the video, said he was at the conference because it was “anti-Muslim.”

In the video, he brandishes multiple guns and wears a shirt that says, “I am an American. I am a Muslim. I open carry and I conceal carry. I am only dangerous if you are stupid.” 

“There were children, there were men, women of all ages,” Jaber later said. “It was like a family picnic come to hate all Muslims. … I didn’t go there because it was a Christian conference, I went there because it was anti-Muslimism and I was curious.” 

Jaber later entered the conference hotel with his guns and began filming before a security officer approached him.

“He had a lot of guns with him, but he wasn’t breaking any laws,” says Sioux Falls Police Officer Sam Clemens. “He didn’t threaten anybody directly, he didn’t threaten any groups of people anything like that, and it’s not illegal to carry guns or have guns with you.” 

Jaber says he was not forced out but left on his own accord.

“The whole thing was a book tour,” Jaber said. “I was done with the event. I didn’t go to hurt anyone, so I left.” 

Hotel security called the police who, along with an FBI agent, interviewed Jaber and determined he wasn’t threatening anyone, the Sioux Empire reports. {eoa}


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