Proof life begins at conception

Awe-Inspiring Video Shows Spark of Life at Conception


A gorgeous new video shows the moment life begins: at conception, with a flash of light.  

“It was remarkable,” said Professor Teresa Woodruff, an expert in ovarian biology at Northwestern University. 

Researchers from the University, including Woodruff, said the phenomenon has been noted in other animals like mice, but this is the first time they’ve seen human eggs fertilized.  

Some, like Live Action’s Lila Rose, say this video proves that abortion is indeed the murder of a child.  

“To be pro-life is to be on the side of science and reason,” Rose said on her Facebook page. “Scientists have incredibly captured the moment of conception, when human life begins. This amazing discovery affirms the fact that abortion kills a child who only needs time and nutrition to grow. We must use scientific and medical facts to protect human life, not destroy it.”

Watch the video to see the “fireworks” show yourself. 


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