Evangelist Daniel Kolenda

CfaN Liberia Outreach Has Tremendous Gospel Impact


The Christ for all Nations team just finished a miraculous week of ministering in Monrovia, Liberia, where many professed their love for Jesus, and the Lord healed the sick and cast out demons.

The gospel campaign began on Wednesday, and evangelist Daniel Kolenda reported that thousands responded to the gospel and put their faith in Jesus Christ. “We’re here to preach the gospel and to see the power of the kingdom demonstrated in this place,” Kolenda said in a video update.

The nation of Liberia has experienced genocide, civil war, poverty and unspeakable suffering in recent years. CfaN was last in the country in 1998, and Kolenda said they heard stories about what God did all those years ago. “You can tell the people are hungry and eager to experience it again—many of them for the first time because there’s a whole new generation that has come along since then.”

On the second night of the outreach, Kolenda reported that 90,000 “heard the gospel preached with clarity and huge numbers responded with joy.” Miracles started happening after the prayer for salvation, and joy filled the air.

“Blind eyes saw, deaf ears heard and crippled legs walked to the glory of God almighty,” Kolenda wrote in an update to mission partners.

Thursday was also the first day of the Fire Conference, where a pastor shared that his attendance at a Fire Conference in 2009 revolutionized his life and ministry, and he is now holding crusades, seeing salvations, and has even witnessed people rising from the dead.

“We believe that when we leave this nation,” Kolenda said, “thousands of others will pick op the baton of the Gospel and run with it until all of Liberia is saved!”

Friday was the third night of the crusade, and the crowd grew to 130,000. Kolenda preached about the blood of Jesus and led thousands in the prayer of salvation, then broke curses in Jesus’ name. Even after the meeting was over, miracles were continuing to happen. One 75-year-old man who was blind for 13 years could suddenly see again.

The crowd grew even more for the Saturday meeting, with 160,000 people present. Shrieks were heard as demons were being released even during evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s message about the “Prison of Sin.”

Kolenda wrote: “When he gave the invitation there was an overwhelming response and as he led the multitudes in the prayer of salvation their voices resounded like thunder across the field … the most beautiful sound on earth!”

Many testimonies were also shared, including the powerful story of a young woman suffering from sickle-cell anemia, an incurable, painful disease that affects the red blood cells and leads to premature death. The woman testified that she showed up to the 1998 gospel crusades in terrible pain, but the illness and pain left her body after the prayer for the sick. She has been completely healed since that day.

The numbers wildly multiplied for the last night of the outreach, which saw 260,000 people at its final meeting—nearly 30 percent of the population of the city, which is Liberia’s capital. The state president was at the meeting, along with other top dignitaries and government officials.

Bonnke preached the gospel and prayed for the sick, and once again wonderful testimonies of healings were shared. A self-proclaimed witch shared her fascinating testimony of how she received Jesus as her savior.

The woman, who said she has killed 10 people using spells and juju, was sent to kill Kolenda by her coven. But she said the prayers were too powerful and prevented her from putting her curse on the evangelist and the CfaN team. She feel down to the ground, began manifesting demons, and ushers carried her to the deliverance tent and cast out her demons.

Kolenda concluded his letter by writing: “What has happened this week is actually hard to quantify. But one thing is certain … Liberia has been impacted by the Gospel on an enormous scale. We are rejoicing and we thank the Lord for your partnership in the harvest.”


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