The eighth ammunition industry convention was successfully closed on December 12 in this photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang.

North Korea’s Latest Bizarre Claim About Kim Jong-un’s Abilities Reveals Why Their Christians Are in Danger


North Korea’s restrictive regime is known for making some pretty outlandish and bizarre claims, but the latest proclamation might top the cake. According to the country’s government-run newspaper, dictator Kim Jong-un can control the weather.

Yes, you read that correctly.

“[Jong-un is] apparently so powerful that he can control the weather,” Fox News’ Stepard Smith quipped during a segment this week, noting that the newspaper said that the dictator “ascended to the top of a 9,000-foot mountain near the border with China.” {eoa}

Read the rest of this story from our content partners at Faithwire.


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