Pastor Conducts Mass Marriage Ceremony After Vision From God


A South African pastor says God gave her a vision to conduct a mass wedding ceremony to save couples from living in sin.

“Last week I had a vision from God; I saw white wedding tables,” Pastor Tanelle Welft-Dixon tells the Daily Voice. “This was during my two-week campaign of praying until something happens. I asked God to reveal his plans to me, and the message was that I should marry those who have been living together, or who did not have money for a wedding. I announced this in church, and the couples came forth and admitted that they no longer wanted to live in sin.”

Six couples said “I do” after the pastor’s call. Many of the couples had been together for decades and never officially tied the knot due to finances.

Mass weddings are on the rise, with thousands of couples participating in giant ceremonies around the globe.

Just last month, about 4,000 couples participated in a collective wedding ceremony outside of South Korea’s Unification Church.


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