
Russian Youth Stoke Prayer Furnace Flames


While Americans were remembering the sacrifice of those who have died protecting the freedom of the nation, Russian believers were observing the sacrifice of praise.

Over the weekend, youth from the Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (UECB) took part in a marathon of prayer and fasting. Their purpose: spiritual awakening of a young generation of Russians. Organizers hoped the event would motivate all youth and all churches to pray for their personal condition before God, and for the salvation of unbelievers.

What’s more, for the first time, they asked North American brothers and sisters in Christ to participate with them.

The churches are excited because their youth are in ministry rather than merely receiving ministry. Pastors and youth leaders are seeing the vast potential of youth ministry and its impact on their communities, especially when it is bathed in prayer.

Slavic Gospel Association shares part of an email they received from the UECB:

“We invite you to join us in intercessory prayer this year! We believe that God hears the prayers of His children and desires to answer them. We pray because we long for spiritual awakening of Russia’s young generation, and for Christian youth to have their faith and zeal for the Lord rekindled with new fire.”

Small-group leaders were encouraged to meet together with their group members to pray as well. SGA says it’s exciting to see Russian young people determined to be faithful witnesses to Christ in their generation.


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