An ISIS-affiliated group threatened to kidnap Manny Pacquiao, according to reports.

Terrorists Plotted to Kidnap Manny Pacquiao, Reports Say


An Islamic State-affiliated group reportedly plotted to kidnap Manny Pacquiao or one of his children, Filipino President Benigno Aquino III told media.  

“They allegedly even hatched plots to kidnap Manny Pacquiao or one of his children, as well as my sister Kris or one of her children, with the plan to use them in bargaining for the release of their cohorts,” Aquino said. “Threats against my own life have been investigated.” 

The group, Abu Sayyaf, recently beheaded a Canadian hostage in a move Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called “cold-blooded murder.”  

“We have always believed in the power of dialog, development and positive engagement over arms,” Aquino said of Abu Sayyaf. “You have chosen only the language of force, and we will speak to you only in that language. 

Prized boxer Pacquiao is currently running for a senate seat in the Philippines. 

“Thank you everyone for all your support! May God Bless you all. #PacquiaoForSenator #36” Pacquiao tweeted after the news broke. 


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