Firefighters and rescue workers search for survivors at the site of a collapsed building in Mumbai, India.

Thousands Dead in the Floods You’ve Heard Nothing About


SA MapMore than 1200 people have died as floods sweep through India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

“I hate that global media can be so swayed to do almost constant coverage of the tragedy in Texas with less than 1 percent of the same time dedicated to floods in India where 1,200 people have died and millions displaced,” Samuel Onyemelukwe, from Nigeria, tells BBC.

The monsoons have devastated much of South Asia, affecting more than 41 million people, according to the United Nations.

A building in India toppled Thursday due to the rain, killing 16 and trapping even more in the rubble.

Similar devastation has occurred in Sierra Leone, Chad, Yemen and more locations. Prayers, though, join together the world as we lift these various disaster-stricken areas to the Lord.


SA Overview

SA NepalSA India

SA Bangladesh

All graphics courtesy of the United Nations.


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