Atheists Force School to Remove ‘Musical’ Bible Quotes

2018 02 school hallway

The Good Book reminds us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord—but that will no longer be the case at Searcy High School in Arkansas.

The school’s choir director was ordered to take down several Christian-themed posters in a music room after a bunch of out-of-town atheists complained.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation said the posters violated the U.S. Constitution and had to be taken down.

“A music room should be a place of harmony, not religious division,” FFRF Co-President Annie Lauire Gaylor said in a statement. “Student chorus members of minority faiths and no religion must feel equally welcomed.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a notorious group of Wisconsin-based atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers who are hell-bent on removing Christianity from the public marketplace.

They typically target small towns and communities and bully them into submission. And that’s exactly what happened to the good people of Searcy.

“It kind of hurts my heart,” Searcy alumnus Savanna Moore told television station KARK. “I even knew some people in choir who did not believe in Christianity, but I never heard a complaint about it ever.”

Among the Bible-themed messages that triggered the out-of-town atheists:

  • Love binds us together in perfect harmony (Col. 3:14).
  • Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord (Eph. 5:19).
  • As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God (Ps. 42:1).

“Religion is a divisive force in public schools,” the FFRF wrote to the school district. “This religious display is particularly inappropriate given that about 44 percent of those born after 1990 are non-Christian.”

It’s too bad the school district did not stand up to the FFRF bullies and their legal thuggery. There’s nothing worse than a bunch of tone deaf atheists.

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