Robert Jeffress: Never-Trump Evangelicals Are Spineless Morons


One of the nation’s most prominent and outspoken Christian leaders had some mighty choice words to say about the so-called “Never Trump” evangelicals.

“Let me say this as charitably as I can,” Dr. Robert Jeffress said on “The Todd Starnes Radio Show.” “These ‘Never Trump’ evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons, and they cannot admit that they were wrong.”

Jeffress, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said he doesn’t understand why Never Trump evangelicals refuse to acknowledge the good that the president has done—especially on the issue of abortion.

“This is an issue of life and death. This is so black and white, so much about good versus evil. I don’t get it,” he told me. “It really goes to the core of who we are as a country and what kind of a country we have in the future. And if we can’t get this issue of life right—I just don’t know where we’re going to go down the road.”

There is no doubt that President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. But there is still a great evil in our nation, as demonstrated by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam.

“What you’re seeing that Andrew Cuomo and others have proposed, it’s not only sinful and wrong, it is barbaric,” he said. “It is the sign of what Romans 1 in the New Testament calls ‘a depraved mind’ that would allow that to happen.”

Pastor Jeffress, who will be speaking at my One Nation Under God conference, said it is imperative for Christians to rise up and take a stand for the unborn.

“We cannot afford to be like German Christians who, in the rise of the evil reign of Adolf Hitler, just remained neutered. They remained silent. And you saw what happened there,” Jeffress said. “I think there’s a similar wave of godlessness that is rising in our country right now, and we must push back against that tide.”


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