This nativity features two Josephs.

Gay Nativity Scene Features Baby Jesus With Two Josephs


The bishop of Providence, Rhode Island is not too happy with a gay-themed nativity scene erected outside a California home.

There’s no Mary—just the Baby Jesus and two gay Josephs—dressed in pink.

Comedian Cameron Esposito posted a photograph of his neighbor’s display on Twitter— causing a Yuletide debate on social media.

Gay-rights activists celebrated the rainbow-flavored manger scene.

But Bishop Thomas Tobin called it sacrilegious—says it’s not funny to impose the gay agenda on the birth of Christ.

But if you think the gay nativity scene is offensive, wait until you get a load of the Hillary Clinton Christmas tree topper.

A nonprofit feminist group is selling a 3-D tree topper featuring Hillary Clinton in a white pantsuit with angel wings.

The British-based “Women to Look Up To” is responsible for this travesty—starting price is $107.

The ornament features the former first lady and failed presidential candidate “in her iconic power suit with angelic wings.”

That’s not just offensive, it’s downright tacky—and a bit nauseating, too.


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