Clarion Call

pregnant belly

Why ‘Pro-Choice’ Slave Masters Are Losing the War

Clarion Call

The pro-aborts are losing. They know it, and they hate it. As reported in January: “CNN released the results of a new poll showing a majority of Americans want all or most abortions prohibited—a clear pro-life majority.” Indeed, the winds of life are blowing free the foul stench of a pro-abortion culture of death. This is […]

Chief Justice John Roberts, President Barack Obama

Killing the Obamacare Zombie: Hope Lives!

Clarion Call

“But Republican governors are folding like cheap lawn chairs,” you might say. “And political eunuchs in the GOP establishment are bowing to President Obama like he bows to foreign dictators. Any hope of repeal is long dead, and besides, Chief Justice John Roberts put the final nail in the judicial coffin last summer, didn’t he?

Matt Barber

An Open Letter to ‘Gay’ Teens

Clarion Call

Who am I? I’m a husband and a father. More importantly, and by the grace of God, I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. This is what motivates me to write you. You don’t have to read on, but I pray you will. What I write is with the purest of aims and with your well-being

Matt Barber

Bloody Hands: The Southern Poverty Law Center

Clarion Call

Long before homosexual activist Floyd Corkins entered the D.C.-based Family Research Council (FRC) with the intent to commit mass murder, I warned from the rooftops that the hard-left Southern Poverty Law Center’s anti-Christian “hate group” propaganda might spur such bloodshed. With a column headlined, “Liberal violence rising,” I wrote, “The SPLC’s dangerous and irresponsible (‘hate group’)

Boy Scouts honor

Will the Boy Scouts of America Commit Gay-Activist-Assisted Suicide?

Clarion Call

In coming days the Boy Scouts of America will decide whether to violate—eliminate, really—its own mission statement, oath and law by changing its policy to allow within its ranks Scouts and Scoutmasters who are open practitioners of the homosexual lifestyle. Sadly, to do so would destroy BSA’s credibility as a “morally straight” organization. Such foolhardy

Mike Barber and Matt Barber

A Politically Incorrect Guide to ‘Sexual Orientation’

Clarion Call

It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world … ~ The Kinks Through the secular-”progressive” looking-glass, the term “sexual orientation” has, in a few short years, evolved to accommodate an ever-expanding fruit basket of carnal appetites. First it was “LGB”–liberal shorthand for “lesbian, gay and bisexual.” Then they added a “T” for “transgender.” That’s

prayer for Newtown

A Prayer for Sandy Hook and Visions of Children at Jesus’ Feet

Clarion Call

In light of Friday’s horrific developments in Newtown, Conn.—developments so sorrowful that no words will do—I felt it only appropriate to pull my regular column. I offer, instead, the only words I can at this inexpressibly mournful time: a simple prayer. Please come, Lord Jesus. Come, King Jesus. Come soon I pray. Yet, even still

post-abortive woman

An Open Letter to Post-Abortive Women

Clarion Call

I write these words chiefly to women and girls who have had an abortion. Still, it is my humble hope and honest prayer that anyone weighing this life-versus-death choice might also read them with an open mind and a hearing heart. I share these truths in love. Some of you already know them. Others deny

Muslim protesters

Can Israeli Jews Coexist With Muslims?

Clarion Call

At times, complicated issues are most clearly understood in simple terms. Speaking before the Knesset in 2006, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu captured, in two brief sentences, that which lies at the heart of the ongoing, centuries-old Arab-Israeli conflict: “The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms, there would be no

Benjamin Netanyahu

In Wake of Obama’s Failures, Netanyahu Has Become Leader of Free World

Clarion Call

There has been much talk of late about America’s “fiscal cliff.” As troubling as our impending (Obama-spurred) economic collapse may be—and it is more troubling than even our most pessimistic economists are willing to admit—I’m even more concerned about fast-mounting tensions worldwide. As the world government ship of fools drifts unmanned amid a sea of

ground zero

Has the United States Invited God’s Wrath?

Clarion Call

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~ Abraham Lincoln America has forsaken her first love. She has finally, and fully, given herself over to a licentious Lothario with whom she has increasingly flirted since her youth. He is sin–and,


IRS Surrenders: Time For Churches to Get ‘Political’

Clarion Call

The jig is up. The news is out. Pastors across America have called the left’s bluff. The empty words “separation of church and state”—a phrase found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution—have lost their sting. Yes, “separation” still applies, but only insofar as it requires the state to remain separate from the church. That is to

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