Dutch Sheets Reveals the Key to Governmental Authority


He follows this declaration by saying that He would give to His ekklesia “keys,” which, just as in Isaiah 22:22, represent spiritual authority. In Isaiah 22:22, these keys close or open spiritual doors allowing or disallowing access and activity. In Matthew 16, Christ’s church would also have keys—to bind and loose, (lock, unlock, allow, forbid)—the “gates” or governmental decisions of hell and to release the governmental decisions of heaven.

God’s Call to Kingdom Governance

We should attempt to function in this calling through prayer, by voting, and also by serving in governmental positions. I frequently hear statements from the media, political leaders, educators and others saying that religious beliefs should be kept “private” or that “they have no place in the public arena,” and especially that they have no place in government. Nothing could be more unbiblical! The purpose behind this satanically-inspired dogma is to keep the church from being the church—the ekklesia. The Bible brims with examples of God influencing government through individuals that were knowingly representing Him and His will.

We cannot place all hope for change in a wrong interpretation of God’s sovereignty—a belief that when God wants and chooses to, He will change a particular problem or situation to be in accordance with His will,with or without our involvement. We must realize that we are God’s governing force on the earth, which has been given keys of authority from Him to legislate from the spiritual realm. With those keys, we are to close spiritual doors through which evil and destruction might otherwise enter.

The outcome of our mid-term election causes hope to arise, affirming that people are ready for change. Americans are being awakened and made ready to press through complacency taking strides toward real change. For such a time as this, God has prepared and positioned kingdom ambassadors to wield His influence and shape our national destiny.

The Lord has called Dutch Sheets Ministries, and other similar ministries, to partner with Him by making bold governmental decrees, strongly supporting godly leaders, strengthening the church, and releasing divine strategy for re-igniting a prayer movement that will shift our nation toward righteousness. I believe these strides toward kingdom governance will birth revival in America. As members of His ekklesia you, too, are called to be a part of this.

Your Delegated Authority

As Holy Spirit has reemphasized Isaiah 22:22 to me, I have prayed that you will be encouraged to take hold of God’s promises and personally activate the keys—governmental authority—in your own life and for the nation. My prayer is that you would walk boldly in this authority God has delegated to you.

Some of you may be instructed of the Lord, as I have been, to use your Isaiah 22:22 key within the sphere of government, and particularly within Washington, D.C. Some of you are called to pray for your state capital, your city or even another nation. Others of you may be assigned to use your kingdom keys in the financial realm, for educational institutions or for the entertainment sector. As you seek the Lord, He will reveal these and other assignments to you.

In this New Year the Lord is releasing keys—heaven’s governmental authority—that are yours for the taking. As you lay hold of them, your intercession and obedience will release you into a partnership with God, resulting in even broader realms of influence.

God is not finished with America, and He needs each one of us to help shift this nation! He is calling forth kingdom warriors who will effectively wield the Isaiah 22:22 weapon, such that His throne of righteousness and justice is reestablished within our land.

Will you join us?

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized teacher, conference speaker and author of The Power of Hope. He has written more than 20 books, translated into over 30 languages. His first work, Intercessory Prayer, sold nearly a million copies and is being used to empower believers worldwide for passionate prayer and societal transformation. He and his wife, Ceci, make their home in the Dallas area.


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