The enemy likes to hide in the shadows.

Exposing Passive-Aggressive Witchcraft in the Church


Passive-aggressive: denoting or pertaining to a personality type or behavior marked by the expression of negative emotions in passive, indirect ways, as through manipulation or noncooperation:

There are many in the churches that are in disagreement with their leaders or other ministries. The enemy has used their frustration, wounds, rejections or disapproval to pull them into passive-aggressive witchcraft. They are in the shadows hurling javelins of disapproval, slander, accusation and gossip. While publicly, acting as though you’re in agreement and complying. It does not matter where you go or who your leader is, your passive-aggressive nature has birthed a critical spirit inside of you.

The devil is using guerrilla warfare in the body of Christ. Many people are operating in passive-aggressive witchcraft, and may not know it. Guerrilla warfare is unconventional warfare; the enemy fights from the shadows. The same is true of passive-aggressive behavior within the body. It’s a way of quietly subverting something or someone in the shadows and behind the scenes. This is done through stubbornness, laziness, misplacing things, anger, gossip, manipulation, slander or procrastination while portraying an attitude of cooperation. The Lord woke me up early this morning. I was immediately pulled into a vision with God speaking these words, “The hour of violent warfare is upon the body. It’s time to expose undercover witchcraft.” In the vision, I see the Bible opened, and combats boots coming out of the Word of God. These combat boots began to march in sets of four down the street with beautiful uniformity. The Lord began to hand the Rose of Sharon out to each pair of combat boots. As the rose was handed out, the boots became aggressive against opposition. I looked to my left and right. There were innocent people standing around untouched by the combat, and soothed by peace.

God is raising up a mighty army of apostolic and prophetic companies, which will combat passive-aggressive warfare with the Word of the Lord. They will be aggressive in their warfare, but take no innocent casualties. They will operate in unity, be governed by truth of the Word and never lose peace in the midst of battle. The Lord is exposing what the enemy has tried to mask with passive-aggressive behavior. The mask is being taken off. Hearts and motives are being exposed in this hour. What has been done, spoken in secret and in passing will no longer be tolerated. It will be revealed. The hidden things are coming to light. Many are cursing and assassinating fellow believers, leaders and ministries with their words and accusations (javelins). Many are being hit by “friendly fire.” Jealously and the unwillingness to shift to the new in this season, is fueling the javelins being released. “You are either for Me or against Me” says the Lord. “I’m revealing hearts and taking the masks off. You will see clearly who is for Me and against Me. Get your heart right in this season. For when you oppose your brother or sister, you’re opposing me. I will oppose those who oppose Me.” {eoa}

Apostle Johnathan Stidham is pastor of Ignite Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky.


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