From the Frontlines

Daniel K. Norris

How Can Politicians Champion the Life of 1 Over 3,200?

From the Frontlines

Wednesday was the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The president took the occasion to acknowledge the day with a statement that celebrated abortion as the “freedom and opportunities [for women] to fulfill their dreams.” About 3,200 babies are aborted in the U.S. each day. That is a life executed in the womb every 26 […]

Steve Hill

Live Unsettled!

From the Frontlines

Jeri and I have moved 30 times in the last 35 years of our ministry. That may seem too unnerving for some to consider. We have no regrets. Each and every move was part of this great adventure we have been on as we journey through this world on our way to the next. More

Steve Hill

Steve Hill: Be Ready for Your Storms in 2014

From the Frontlines

My wife, Jeri, and I are certified scuba divers. It is one of our favorite activities to do together. We thrive on the excitement of exploring the underwater world teeming with the life of colorful reefs and exotic fish. A few years back, while on vacation, we decided to take a day and charter a

Steve Hill

Steve Hill: We Need Toilet Paper Now!

From the Frontlines

I had been a Christian for a few months. Like many of us, I was young, radical, totally devoted and driven by miracles. I lived every waking moment expecting something from my heavenly Father. Do you remember what life was like prior to meeting Christ? How every step, every decision, each day that unfolded was

bored man

The Spiritual Danger of Being Bored to Death

From the Frontlines

The other day a middle-aged “mature” Christian blurted out a statement that shot like a rocket through my spirit. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I am so bored with life. I’m fed up with everything.” Why did his words have such an impact on my life? Why should these words refuse


Our Vows to the Lord Must Not Be Violated!

From the Frontlines

One of my daughters recently made the commitment of her lifetime. The young man was almost speechless as he returned the perpetual pledge. Jeri and I wept as we watched these two young Christians dedicate themselves to one another in front of a massive crowd of witnesses both here and in heaven. What was really

Daniel Norris

Revival Is Coming, but God Is Turning Over Stones First

From the Frontlines

Everywhere I have ministered over the past several months, I’ve asked a simple question: “How many feel as if you have been in a significant and prolonged season of transition?”  The response is always overwhelming. Nearly every hand in the church will shoot up attesting to the fact. No doubt many reading this could testify

Alan Chambers

Why Exodus Didn’t Work

From the Frontlines

Last week Exodus International announced that after more than three decades of standing at the front lines of outreach to the homosexual community, it would be closing its doors, seeking an “exodus” of its own. The organization said it reached the decision “after a year of dialogue and prayer about [its] place in a changing

Steve Hill

Steve Hill: End the Celebrity Syndrome in the Church

From the Frontlines

There is a disease sweeping through the body of Christ. It’s an infectious sickness I call “the man of God syndrome” or “the celebrity syndrome.” It rears its ugly head in the form of self-adulation and self-promotion. Thankfully, the Bible offers the antidote. In our politically minded, vote-conscious world, we think we are in control

Evangelist Steve Hill

Steve Hill: Going to War With the Holy Spirit

From the Frontlines

Every one of us has incredible stories to tell. Our religious backgrounds are wonderfully different. We all have a myriad of mentors, some who have moved on to their reward, others who are still sowing into our lives. I was raised Lutheran. Now I’m probably a Luther-costal. This last week I was spending time with

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