Marriage equality

5 Chilling Societal Developments Since Same-Sex Marriage Ruling


School boards and publishing houses are already changing curriculums to align with LGBTQ developments. I have in my possession some books that really are shocking. Recently CBN News reported what is transpiring in Virginia and for the sake of discretion I’ll not be graphic, but it is grievous.

What Will America Look Like in a Few Years With Gay Propaganda?

The fallout from a culture’s acceptance and endorsement of homosexual practices translates into sexual experimentation among the young and impressionable. Studies by even pro-homosexual researchers reveal that children in gay-affirming environments are more likely to experiment sexually, break gender norms and identify as homosexual or bisexual.

• The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry stated that 24 percent of children raised by lesbian mothers had “been involved in a same—gender sexual relationship.”

• A Tasker-Golombok study, “Adults Raised as Children in Lesbian Families,” revealed that the percentage of the young women raised by lesbians who later went on to self—identify as lesbians was nearly 8 times the rate of the general population (11 percent vs. 1.4 percent).

Here’s the deal: Children are the victims when adults steamroll over them for homosexual pleasure-giving relationships. When they sit in schools and see in the media homosexuality portrayed as normal, natural and simply an alternative lifestyle choice, they’re easily enticed and persuaded.

This is why Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said the following: “Many Americans do not want persons who openly engage in homosexual conduct as partners in their business, and scoutmasters for their children, as teachers in their children’s schools or as borders in their home. … They view this as protecting themselves and their families from a lifestyle that they believe to be immoral and destructive.”

“Love Wins?” Not our children and grandchildren, as so-called “progressive” LGBTQ advocates are passionate about inculcating diabolical ideas into the hearts and minds of our children and grandchildren. They have an agenda and are well-organized, well-funded and hell-bent on seeing it come to pass in the next generation.

At this defining moment in our nation’s history, we must not tolerate any group of arrogant judges, political leaders, educators and, yes, even ministers promoting their radical social experiment by legitimizing homosexual behavior in the eyes of vulnerable children and grandchildren. We must not let this die be cast.

In closing, let me jolt you with the developments in Europe as the LGBTQ advocates push their propaganda. I will warn you in advance, this is explicit, yet truthful about what happens when God’s people, especially His leaders, lack the courage to speak up and stand up as “salt” and “light” in the day of testing. May it never be said of us. We need a spiritual awakening!

“Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power …” (Ps. 110:3).

For an eye-opening experience, go to YouTube and scroll to the “Trans Norway” (12:35) video of April 8, 2015 [VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED].

“‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!” (Rev.22:20).

 Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author of eight books with 43 years of trusted ministry experience. He is a Public Policy Advisor at Liberty Counsel and a cultural commentator whose weekly articles appear on sites reaching 26 million monthly. Connect and view short video commentaries at


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