Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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5 More Reasons Why Americans Are Extremely Angry at Obama

We must deal with our anger in constructive ways.

This is part 2 of a two-part series. For part 1, please click here.

Americans are in high levels of pain today and the stage is set for something to explode. These are five more reasons America is really fed up with our president and his administration.

1. First Amendment Rights Trampled Upon in Attempts to Silence Opposition

Whether it’s individuals praying, pastors and people speaking for the sanctity of marriage and life, or students on campuses voicing opinions, the political correctness police are in full force to remove our guarantees of free speech and freedom of religion.

Victims of the San Bernardino shooting were sending out requests for prayer, while politicians and liberal commentators were denouncing this activity through mockery and “prayer shaming.” Speaking up for wholesome values in today’s culture brings wrath upon us, and it infuriates us.

When Attorney General Loretta Lynch threatened to arrest people speaking any anti-Muslim statements, a former U.S. congressman, Joe Walsh, expressed his righteous anger by daring her to arrest him!

2. Open Borders Emphasized Jeopardizing our National Security and Economy

Instead of completing the task already approved by Congress for the protective wall on our southern border, President Obama tells Turkey to seal their Syrian border while maintaining a “Y’all come in!” approach here in America.

People have smoldering anger as they watch political parties garnering votes through open borders and entitlements. Acts 17:26 tells us that God sets borders and Romans 13 tells us that government’s job is to carry out laws to protect and promote the common good.

3. Emphasis on Gun Control and Removal of our Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms

The second amendment guarantees that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This is consistent with the instruction of Jesus in sending out His disciples that they should protect themselves by carrying a sword (Luke 22:36).

In an increasingly dangerous society, this protection alongside of prayer and vigilance is important. A Washington Post–ABC News poll found that “83 percent of registered voters say they believe a terrorist attack in the United States resulting in large casualties is likely in the near future,” so citizens resent attempts to remove any practical protections. President Jerry Falwell, Jr. of Liberty University just told his students to carry concealed weapons on campus: “Let’s teach them a lesson if they (radical Islamists) ever show up here!”

4. Deceitfulness and the “Blame Game” of Pro-abortionists like Planned Parenthood

Pro-life proponents are a peaceful community growing in influence throughout America. Younger people are increasingly identifying as protectors of the unborn. When we are branded as terrorists using incendiary rhetoric to promote violence and killings at abortion centers, we justifiably feel a holy indignation for this cruel mischaracterization.

When the CDC released figures that in New York City alone, 76.4 percent of the abortions are among Black and Hispanic babies, we know Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger (whose goal as a racist/eugenicist was to eradicate races she considered undesirable) would be proud. We will never cease to open our mouths for the speechless (Prov. 31:8).

5. President Obama’s Continued Emphasis on America’s Mistakes and Flaws Instead of our Benevolence and Noble Heritage

Americans at-large are to be commended for practicing charitable restraint towards our president’s pattern of trashing America and apologizing for us before the world. Whether it’s his Cairo apology tour, the prayer breakfast blaming of Christians for the Crusades, his recent climate change speech in France or Michelle’s “For the first time I’m proud of my country” remarks, millions of freedom-loving Americans cannot understand his fixation on denigrating our nation and its heritage.

We ask, why not humbly highlight the sacrifices, the service, the generosity and the accomplishments that have blessed humanity and nations all over the world?

Here’s the deal: Anger among Americans is increasing in an understandable way. Jesus Christ demonstrated how righteous anger must be expressed in constructive not destructive ways. As His followers, may we draw upon His grace to remain controlled, charitable and committed to see His kingdom come and His will be done “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). James 1:20 says, “The anger of man does not work the righteousness of God,” so let’s proceed prayerfully and carefully as we cry out to God for another spiritual awakening in our day.

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