America: Hell Is Real, and Real People Go There


Surveys reveal that people believe in hell, but most don’t believe they themselves will go there.

The reality is that no one ends up eternally separated from God and suffering unfathomable punishment for drinking booze, casual sex or not being good enough. People go to hell for failing to repent and rejecting Jesus as risen Lord and what He accomplished by His finished work on the cross.

Our eternal fate rests totally upon our individual choice. As God reveals our sin and His solution through the death, burial and Resurrection of His Son, we condemn ourselves if we refuse His merciful provision.

Obama, Trump, Putin, Hillary, Lady Gaga, Brad Pitt, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, LeBron James, Queen Elizabeth and on and on, every single person who ever lived, including you and me, will all individually stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10) to discover our eternal destiny.

Watch this brief video presentation to motivate you in your evangelism to follow the biblical model encompassing both the mercy and holiness of God. You’ll no longer wonder whatever happened to hell. {eoa}


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