Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak

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Here’s the Deal


God Is Looking for Heroes

Here's the Deal

King David spoke for God when he declared, “I will make the godly of the land my heroes” (Ps. 101:6, LB). We may not win a Heisman Trophy, Olympic gold medal, Nobel Peace Prize or Congressional Medal of Honor, but we can surrender our lives to Jesus Christ and let Him use us to make […]

Larry Tomczak

Will You Be a Coward or Courageous Christian?

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With the unprecedented escalation and celebration of homosexuality; steamrolling of same-sex marriage; apostasy and compromise in Christian churches, ministries and organizations; the unbelievable governmental assault on our religious freedoms and hostility toward biblical values; the epidemic of out-of-wedlock births, sexual abuse, pornography, divorce, promiscuity, cohabitation and human trafficking; plus continued execution of unborn babies in

Larry Tomczak

On My 38th Anniversary, Let’s Talk About Divorce

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The oldest brother of Jesus Christ and the leader of the first Jerusalem council, James, was called a “pillar” in the church (Gal. 2:9). He was also selected by God to give us this very wise and practical advice: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow

Larry Tomczak

A Call to Integrity in a Culture of Compromise

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With the current crisis in the Ukraine, people are wondering which world leader to believe. Opponents of Putin say he lies, led the KGB and can’t be trusted to tell the truth. Opponents of Obama say he repeatedly spoke falsehoods about Obamacare promises, so he can’t be trusted either. Credibility and security come as we

Larry Tomczak

Living Together or Letting God Supply Your Spouse?

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USA Today recently published the results of a national survey among 18- to 31-year-olds regarding cohabitation. A whopping 76 percent of young Americans said living together before marriage is fine. The stark reality is that 65 percent of “altar-bound” singles—many of whom identify as Christians—now live together before marriage, a euphemism for lifestyle fornication.   Recently,

Larry Tomczak

Pragmatism: The Enemy of Authentic Christianity

Here's the Deal

Christians in the church today are witnessing what may be described as “truth decay.” Instead of being faithful to God’s Word, many Christian leaders take a pragmatic “whatever works and will get people to come” approach. Pragmatism has its merits, but today it is undermining authentic Christianity and our call to biblical faithfulness. In the

Larry Tomczak

It’s Official: We’re in the Ball of Confusion

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The Bible tells us “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14: 33, NKJV), but He is the revealer of it. The United States of America is in a serious state of confusion, and it is critical that we understand how we got here so we can discover His way out. Do you

Larry Tomczak

Man Loses 400 Pounds in 4 Years—What’s the Lesson?

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Bryan Ganey is celebrating. “I lost 400 pounds in four years without any surgery or diet program!” he says. He also was $60,000 in debt and paid that off too, exclaiming, “American Express—I finally left home without it!” Overeating and overspending, this Christian finally came to the place where he realized time was running out

Larry Tomczak

God Is Angry—Are You?

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Someone once asked, “We know it’s a sin to be angry about things that God isn’t angry about, yet is it a sin not to be angry about things that God is angry about?” We don’t hear many sermons on the anger of God because He is “slow to anger,” but it is real. The

Barack Obama

Picture the Pope Petitioning the President on These 7 Points

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In March a dramatic, first-time meeting will take place between the two most visible and powerful men in the world. Both leaders influence hundreds of millions—maybe billions—of individuals on the planet. Although it will be a carefully planned and private time in the Vatican, let’s indulge ourselves in an imaginative dialogue wherein Pope Francis follows

Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama

As Michelle Obama Turns 50, There’s 1 Thing to Let Go

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Happy 50th birthday, Michelle Obama! This past weekend, the first lady turned 50. Prior to a star-studded White House party, ABC News offered “50 Ways to Honor Michelle Obama on Her Birthday.” First on the list: “Dance to Beyoncé!” Michelle Obama and pop music’s No. 1 female megastar are BFF (best friends forever). Michelle extols

Larry Tomczak

Remaking ‘Mary Poppins’ With F-Words…Why Not?

Here's the Deal

With today’s “anything goes” mentality, what’s wrong with using profanity and expletives for emphasis in a movie? Even PG-13 movies for families like Transformers: Dark of the Moon and mischievous television cartoons are spicing things up with f-bombs. Let me ask you something, “Are you paying attention to the frequency of f-word foul mouthery in

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