Protesters, including Nikki Gonzales, rally in support of pro-life abortion legislation in front of the Federal Courthouse in San Diego, California.

‘Horrendous, Demonic’ Attack Preparing to Strike the US


The enemy has activated a new attack on America, Pastor Carl Gallups tells Jim Bakker.

As liberal activists fight for abortion rights and LGBT equality, Gallups says this is proof of the enemy’s agenda.

“The attack on fatherhood, motherhood, family, womanhood, manhood, childhood, the attack on personhood is horrendous. It is demonic, it is ubiquitous,” Gallups says in a recent episode of The Jim Bakker Show. “It is global, but particularly in our culture because America represents the largest Christian nation the world has ever seen.”

Gallups says he believes the attacks stem from centuries-old spiritual warfare because the United States was founded upon God’s truth.

“So Satan hates what we stand for, and the bedrock of our culture is the family,” Gallups says.

But we are not without hope.

Watch the video to see why.




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