Calling All Prayer Warriors: 20 Israelis Murdered in Terror Attacks in 2017


More Israelis died in terrorist attacks in 2017 than in 2016, despite a significant drop in the number of attacks, according to data the IDF released on Jan. 6, 2018.

Twenty Israelis were killed and 169 were wounded in 99 terrorist attacks originating in Judea and Samaria in 2017. It was nevertheless a large decrease from the 93 killed and 882 wounded in the 100 terrorist attacks originating in the same area in 2014.

Twenty-eight Israelis were killed and another 360 wounded in 226 attacks in 2015. Since October 2015, Palestinians have stabbed, run over and shot Israeli soldiers and civilians, including some foreign tourists, in a wave of violence in Judea and Samaria. Security forces, including the Shin Bet intelligence agency, IDF and police, have increased their efforts to uncover unofficial workshops producing illegal weapons, carrying out near-nightly raids in Judea & Samaria, shutting down weapons factories and confiscating arms, greatly reducing the number of illegal explosive devices and other weapons that could end up in the hands of attackers, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Please continue to pray for increasing devices and strategies to detect and eliminate the means by which Palestinian terrorists obtain weapons and carry out attacks in Israel.


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