With One Arm, Soldier Thriving in the IDF
For Pvt. Eliran Oster, 20, physical challenges are no match for high motivation. Exempted from military service because he was born with only his left hand, he chose to enlist voluntarily in the IDF.
Today, he serves as an educational specialist at the Adjutancy Corps’ training base.
“I coordinate educational activities and teach meaningful and moral lessons to the soldiers at the training base in training activities and in courses,” he said. “From the very beginning, my commander said that he had faith in me and that he saw in me great potential.”
Throughout the process of enlisting and serving in the IDF, Pvt. Oster’s family has supported his goal of serving his country.
“My family encouraged me, and the enlistment process was difficult, but despite everything, I persevered,” he said.
As a soldier, Pvt. Oster has proven himself capable of overcoming every challenge that stands in his way. Recently, he was offered the opportunity to train to become an officer.
“I am seriously considering it; I want to advance,” he said.
In addition to serving his country, Pvt. Oster has another important job: He has two younger siblings at home.
“It is a major responsibility to show them what you do. They look at me and they certainly think that [my service] is very interesting, because I am a role model for them.”