The Flaming Herald

celebrity preachers

Beware of Superstar, Self-Appointed Church Personalities

The Flaming Herald

Are these popular ministerial personalities great in the sight of the Lord or only in the sight of man? Are they really known in heaven or only on the Earth? Are they God-anointed or self-appointed? Is it ministry they deliver or some subtle form of hype? “Many who are great in the sight of the […]

fig leaves

High-Tech Hype Can Never Produce Holiness

The Flaming Herald

“For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly (superficially), saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is no peace” (Jer. 8:11). In much of today’s contemporary Christian church, superficiality and hype have been a substitute for holiness, blinding many eyes to the true heart of God. Appearance, like any magical act, can

father and son

Turning the Hearts of Fathers to Their Children

The Flaming Herald

Fatherhood is the foundation of the heart and love of God. And that is what is missing from this generation. All the insurmountable problems we are facing as a nation today go back to the home, which is the greatest centralized force in any society. Lack of strong, fatherly leadership in the home is the

couple in love

4 Sexual Sins Every Christian Should Avoid

The Flaming Herald

Excessive sexual sin and nakedness is one of the marks of our Western culture and much of the world today. Everything is sensual. Everything must be sexy. We live in a sex-crazed world, and nakedness jumps out at us from everywhere. It is becoming more and more difficult for men and women to keep themselves


Self-Promotional Churches Will Soon Be Judged

The Flaming Herald

I believe that much of what the Lord is doing today is completely counter to Christian pop culture and the flow that we are seeing in the Western Church. It is typical in such times that there will be a counterfeit that runs parallel to the real. There will be an echo arise right alongside


How Much of Christ Is in Your Christianity?

The Flaming Herald

That’s quite a compelling question, isn’t it? It’s kind of like asking how much of Christ is in Christmas. I think many of us would agree that Christmas has become so commercialized that among the general populace Christ is hardly noticed, much less celebrated and revered. Easter would be in the same category. How in


An Imaginary Christ

The Flaming Herald

Before me now I see the impression I saw years ago. There are two scenes. One is of a clear and sunny horizon lined with an endless multitude of people. The other is of a vast forest with no one in sight. Dense fog covers the forest, and out of the fog comes the Lord


You Can’t Truly Love Unless You Hate

The Flaming Herald

One major cause of the gay community’s madness, and even the displeasure of some professing Christians, toward my recent Charisma News article on homosexuality, was what they perceived as a lack of love on my part. Ironically, it’s these same proponents of love who vehemently cursed me and ridiculed me while mocking the article. Here

gay couple holding hands

A Call for Humility and Repentance in the Gay Community

The Flaming Herald

My recent Charisma News article on homosexuality sure caused a stir in the world of gay. I didn’t know so many of them read Charisma, a conservative Christian magazine. Although in part I addressed gay people, my primary purpose in writing the article was to strengthen Christians with a no-nonsense biblical perspective of homosexuality, so


The Raw, Naked Truth About Homosexuality

The Flaming Herald

In a moment I am going to speak very plainly and straightforward about homosexuality. As a preacher, I have a great responsibility before God to speak the truth in love—to convince, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and teaching (2 Tim. 4:3)—to never shun to declare the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). If you

Holy Spirit fire

The Real Cure for Society’s Ills: More Spirit and Fire Churches

The Flaming Herald

One day Satan asked himself a question: “How can I destroy America? No army can defeat them. Their economy is foolproof. They’re geographically isolated and cannot be invaded. I know what I’ll do. I’ll get them through their children. I’ll erase the commandments, the godly traditions, the family, morality, ethics, truth and decency.” Then while

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