Rick Santorum

Underestimated Christians Continue to Amaze: Rick Santorum Rising


The years 2011 and 2012 have borne witness to remarkable testimonies of Christians coming from obscurity, or impossible circumstances, to squeak out miraculous victories against seemingly insurmountable odds.

First there is the NFL player Tim Tebow who took the nation by storm with his prayerful pose and several wins. One victory may go down in the history books as the “Mile High Miracle.”

Then there is Jeremy Lin rising up from lower league play and studying economics at Harvard to take on the NBA. He, following closely behind Tebow, became a media darling around the world.

While not having the celebrity of Tebow and Lin, and in a completely different sphere of influence, now there is former Pennsylvanian Sen. Rick Santorum, who continues to astound critics and the political establishment. He does this by steadfastly pressing former Gov. Mitt Romney toward razor-thin margins in a battle for every single Republican delegate in a brutal state by state primary season.

Santorum’s wins in Alabama and Mississippi Tuesday tonight were hailed by media personalities and pundits as “a huge boost to his campaign” and possibly the end of Newt Gingrich’s.

The common denominator in all three of these men’s lives is they openly profess their faith in Jesus Christ and their chances for success are underestimated by their peers and the public. While Tebow and Lin have high stakes sports games to contend for, Santorum is seeking a higher calling; to lead the United States back to “restored honor,” security, and prosperity. He does so unashamed professing his faith and standing by his long record of conservative public policy stands.

The 2011-2012 NFL season is already finished and the NBA season will soon be coming to a close. However, this political season will only continue to amplify the various candidates messages as they get ready for the Republican National Convention this summer.

Time will tell if Santorum’s message will continue to rally and triumph over Romney. The Romney campaign is on the record saying, “it would take an act of God” for Santorum to get enough delegates to win the nomination.

Many, after tonight’s dual Santorum win, might think that is not a far-fetched idea.

Randy Thomas is the former executive vice president of Exodus International, the world’s largest outreach to those affected by unwanted same-sex attraction.


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