Watchman on the Wall

2022 1 Vladmir Putin AP

Could This Prophecy Point to the Beginning of World War 3?

Watchman on the Wall

Nationalism caused World War I and World War II. World War II happened because Hitler could not stand losing the first great war to France. It’s been said history repeats itself. World War III could happen because Russian President Vladmir Putin can’t stand the reality of a broken-up Soviet Union. He’s got his eyes set […]

2021 12 Toronto Canada

Nearly 30 Years After Toronto Revival, Pastors Under Fire in Canada

Watchman on the Wall

Christians in Canada are under fire, while the Muslim population there as tripled in 15 years, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. “The religious landscape in Canada has undergone significant changes,” since the 1994 Toronto Blessing, analysts wrote in a report. According to StatsCan, the proportion of Christians that averaged 90 percent in the 1981 Census and

2021 9 LeClaire gossip

This Evil Spirit Is Launching Below-the-Belt Attacks

Watchman on the Wall

Gossip is a device of the devil and, as Paul the apostle said, we must not be ignorant to the devil’s devices (see 2 Cor. 2:11). Gossip and meddling seem to go hand in hand. While a gossip is someone who has a habit of sharing personal information about other people (which can lead to

2021 8 LeClaire prayer intercession

Prophetic Insight Into the Taliban’s Next Moves

Watchman on the Wall

Afghanistan has fallen into the hands of terrorists. The Taliban entered the Muslim nation’s presidential palace on Sunday and sealed its control after a 20-year war. Afghanistan’s president has fled—and many others are trying to flee the country. Prophetically speaking, the war is not over. It’s just escalated in the spirit and will manifest in

2021 7 Michael Gungor

Michael Gungor, Atheism and the Great Falling Away

Watchman on the Wall

Michael Gungor is the latest Christian celebrity to denounce Christ, part of the unfortunate fulfillment of a prophetically-inspired question I posed nearly a decade ago announcing the great falling away is underway. The popular Christian alternative rock musician is a full-blown atheist now. And his wife has followed him into his apostasy. A meme is

2021 7 LeClaire violence assassinaation

Watchmen Alert: Assassination Spirit Targeting World Leaders

Watchman on the Wall

In April 2021, the Lord told me we are going to see mysterious deaths and attempted assassinations, kidnapping and other events like we see in the movies. Since June, this word is unfortunately manifesting in five assassination attempts of government leaders—one of which was successful. Within the next three years, a major figure in politics

2021 7 LeClaire Watchman 7 14

A ‘Kairos’ Moment for Cuba

Watchman on the Wall

When I went to Cuba in 1997, I cried myself to sleep every night over the conditions of the people. I was staying in the home of a Cuban family, and we spent many days together as they taught me about their nation. A year ago, I prophesied about a vision I had concerning the

2021 7 Billy Graham

What Billy Graham Said About Racial Reconciliation

Watchman on the Wall

Billy Graham was once asked, “If you could eradicate any problem in America, what would it be?” The evangelist’s answer: “The racial division and strife in our nation.” America is not the only nation where racism has reared its ugly head, and racial reconciliation matters. Racism and hatred of other races is from the pit

images 2021 1 police aj colores unsplash

Can We Stop the Mass Murder Madness in America?

Watchman on the Wall

Ten people, including a police officer, were killed Monday after a gunman opened fire in a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. The mass fatal shooting at the King Soopers store comes less than a week after shooting attacks at three spas in the Atlanta area left eight people dead. For clarity’s sake, the FBI defines

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