As I've prophesied, the tsunami of perversion is rapidly rising.

Perverts Now Regularly Having Sex With Dogs, Goats and Horses


Bestiality is an abomination, and I’m still shocked it’s legal in some parts of the United States—and in some parts of the world.

The rise of bestiality in America (and around the world) is troublesome—and rising fast. I first called this out in 2014 but there are more cases in the news today than ever. In August alone, the headlines came in fast and furious. What in the world is going on?

According to CityNews, three women and one man were charged in a child porn and bestiality ring and the Great Falls Tribune reports a man is facing bestiality and domestic abuse charges in Michigan. In Australia, a woman pled guilty to bestiality. Another man was accused of having sex with his dog in Mississippi and a Georgia man was arrested on charges of bestiality after allegations he had sex with a goat. Not last and not least, a man who videotaped himself having sex with a miniature horse is facing charges.


This list literally goes on and on. I could fill pages with the accounts.

Indeed, Google News turns up 76,300 news stories related to bestiality in just .37 seconds. That compares to 1,530 current news stories related to bestiality in just .23 two years ago. That’s an astronomical increase—and it’s only going to get worse unless we see a Third Great Awakening that leads to massive repentance.

I don’t believe we’ll see bestiality widely accepted any time soon, but with studies reporting gay marriage is surging in popularity and the mainstream media push for polyamory—and some pushing to accept pedophilia—is it out of the question to think that bestiality boosters will be next in line for equal rights?

The Bible is clear: “You shall not lie with an animal to defile yourself, nor shall any woman lie with an animal. It is a perversion” (Lev. 18:23). And again, “Whoever has relations with a beast must surely be put to death” (Ex. 22:19). And again, “‘Cursed is he who lies with any kind of beast.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen!'” (Deut. 27:21).

Of course, the Bible is clear on homosexuality, too, but that’s not stopping anyone. As I’ve said before, the shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah is hanging over America. As I’ve prophesied, the tsunami of perversion is rapidly rising. God help us. Pray that our children and their children aren’t wooed into the immorality that’s rushing into the land.


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