Jonathan Cahn in front of the replica Baal arch.

The Harbinger of Baal Appears in America: Jonathan Cahn Exposes It


In ancient Israel, the people turned away from God in their prosperity. They turned to the false god of Baal, even offering up their children as sacrifices on this demonic altar.

“They called what was evil good and what was good evil,” says Cahn, author of best-selling books The Harbinger and newest title, The Book of Mysteries. “They drove God out of their government, out of their culture, out of the lives of their children. They persecuted and hunted down the righteous.”

Cahn goes on to point out how nine harbingers of national destruction that appeared in ancient Israel are now appearing on American soil—many of them in New York City. One especially blatant sign just appeared in New York City—the arch that leads to the temple of Baal.

Watch the entire video to understand the spiritual dynamics behind this shocking event. 


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