Carolina Panthers

What if Bob Jones’ Panthers Super Bowl Prophecy Comes to Pass?


Are the Carolina Panthers prophesied to win the Super Bowl to bring about national revival? 

Perhaps, according to Rick Joyner. The prophetic voice looks back to a prophecy Bob Jones received in the 1980s in a recent episode of Prophetic Perspectives on Current Events With Rick Joyner.  

“When our Carolina Panthers won the Super Bowl, this was a time of major revival, awakening, moves of God are going to break out in America,” Joyner says in the video.  

Joyner compares Jones to a “seer prophet” like Samuel. 

The story of the Panthers goes like so: 

“(Jones) called me one day after I’d already come to really respect and appreciate his gift, but he calls me and says, ‘The Black Panthers are coming to Charlotte,'” Joyner recalls. “He wasn’t sure what it meant, and I said, ‘Sounds like an attack.’ And said, ‘It may be. I don’t know.'” 

Watch the video to see the rest.


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