Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill a Second Time


President George W. Bush vetoed, for the second time in one year, a bill that would have allowed human embryos to be destroyed for research purposes. In a press conference held Wednesday, Bush said embryonic stem cell research crossed both moral and ethical lines.

“If this legislation became law, it would compel American taxpayers—for the first time in our history—to support the deliberate destruction of human embryos,” Bush said. He encouraged support for more “ethically responsible” scientific research.

Earlier this month, the House of Representatives passed the bill in a 247-176 vote, saying the legislation would “save lives, find cures and give hope to those suffering.” Bush maintains that there are many other options to save lives that do not include utilizing an embryonic cell.

“Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical—and it is not the only option before us,” Bush said during a press conference in the East Room of the White House. “We’re already seeing remarkable advances in the science and therapeutic uses of stem cells drawn from adults and children, and the blood from umbilical cords—with no harm to the donor.”

The House currently does not have enough votes to override Bush’s veto. Many Christian conservatives applaud the president’s decision.

“President Bush has proven once again that he’s not just a man who talks about preserving a ‘culture of life’ as political rhetoric—he’s a man who deeply cherishes the sanctity of all human life,” said James Dobson, Focus on the Family chairman. “His veto today of a bill that would have led to dissection of young innocents in the name of suspect science solidifies his already-strong record as one of our nation’s most pro-life presidents.”

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