Election Voter

Election Integrity Commission Takes Up Its Mission


Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence gave the launching orders to the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, reiterating President Donald Trump’s charge to the commission to produce a set of recommendations to increase the American people’s confidence in the integrity of the election systems.

“The integrity of the vote is a foundation of our democracy,” he said. “This bipartisan commission will review ways to strengthen that integrity in order to protect and preserve the principle of one person, one vote.”

The vice president serves as the chairman of the commission, but it will be led in reality by its vice chairman, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Wednesday’s meeting was held via conference call. The commission’s first official face-to-face meeting will be held July 19 at the White House.

Kobach told members a letter will be sent today to the 50 states and District of Columbia on behalf of the commission. Those letters will request publicly-available data from state voter rolls and feedback on how to improve election integrity. {eoa}


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