Donald Trump

This Long-Time Advocate Just Got an Important Job With Donald Trump


As presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump begins to assemble his team for the general election campaign, he still has a ways to go to convince committed Christians he deserves their vote.

One of his newest hires this week certainly goes a long way toward extending the proverbial olive branch in their direction. John Mashburn, who will serve as the Trump campaign’s new policy director, has a lifelong record of advocacy for pro-life and pro-family ideals.

Mashburn is a native of North Carolina and has previously served on the staffs of U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis and former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms as well as a number of Republican congressional leaders. He most recently served as Tillis’ chief of staff.

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser applauded Trump’s decision to hire Mashburn in an official statement:

“I have known and respected John Mashburn for many years. He is a smart strategist with deep pro-life roots. John is well-respected across every issue set. For him, the life issue is foundational and one which helped draw him into politics.

“If I were running for president, I would want John Mashburn as a top adviser too. Congratulations on your new hire, Mr. Trump. If elected, no doubt John Mashburn will serve you well as you fulfill your campaign promises to defund Planned Parenthood, advance and sign into law the popular Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and appoint justices to the bench who will protect and defend the Constitution.”

The political director plays a vital role in any presidential campaign, and is often referred to as “the fixer.” But in a campaign like the one waged by Trump, Mashburn’s role is even more important. His job will be to bring together the various factions of the Republican Party to unite before the general election in November.


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