CNN Debate Setup

WikiLeaks: CNN Was Feeding Information to Clinton Campaign


You don’t need to watch more than a few minutes of CNN lately to get the sense that the “Clinton News Network” is in the tank for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

But now we have rock-solid proof. According to one of the latest emails released by WikiLeaks, a “source” within CNN was feeding information about its polling to the Clinton campaign before the information was being made public.

In a Feb. 17, 2015, email to several members of the Clinton camp’s inner circle, including campaign manager Robby Mook, campaign chairman John Podesta and then-White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri, campaign consultant Joel Benenson wrote:

From a CNN source of mine

To: Joel Benenson

Subject: Heads up – between us

Hey Joel – Hope all is great with you. I think you are going to enjoy a poll we have releasing tomorrow morning at 6:00 am ET that asks about 2016ers and whether they are perceived as candidates of the past or candidates of the future.

Some interesting findings. . .

The email was later shared with additional staff members by Clinton’s longtime right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, along with a link to the CNN article discussing the poll. The email would indicate the Clinton camp knew about the poll a full day before it was published.

The CNN source isn’t identified.


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