Donald Trump

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton’s Policies Will Continue to Fail and Betray Inner Cities


In his first campaign event following his opponent’s release of an ugly ad accusing him of being a racist white supremacist, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stuck largely to the issues.

But he still beat Hillary Clinton up over Clinton Foundation corruption and on the general failings of Democratic Party policies, particularly in inner cities.

All three issues came together in yet another powerful speech for the GOP nominee. As he transitioned from his now-canned speech about Clinton Foundation issues, the New York businessman said:

Now, I have not seen Hillary Clinton’s remarks. And, in a sense, I don’t want to dignify them by dwelling on them too much, but a response is required for the sake of all decent voters she is trying to smear.

The news reports are that Hillary Clinton is going to try to accuse this campaign, and the millions of decent Americans who support this campaign, of being racists.

It’s the oldest play in the Democratic playbook.

When Democratic policies fail, they are left with only this one tired argument. It’s the last refuge of the discredited politician.

They keep going back to this same well, but the well has run dry.

This is the year that the people who have been betrayed by Democratic policies, including millions of African-American and Hispanic-American citizens, reject the politicians who have failed them and vote for change.

As I’ve discussed for many days now, Democratic politicians have run nearly every inner city in America for fifty or sixty years or more. Their policies have produced only more poverty, joblessness and failing schools.

Every policy Hillary Clinton supports is a policy that has failed and betrayed communities of color in this country. But she just doesn’t care—she’s too busy raking in cash from the people rigging the system.

Nearly four in 10 African-American children live in poverty. Fifty-eight percent of African-American youth are not working. More than 2,700 people have been shot in Chicago this year alone.

These are the consequences of Hillary Clinton’s policies. She has brought nothing but pain and heartache to our inner cities.

On top of that, she wants to raise taxes on African-American owned businesses to as much as nearly 50 percent. We should be helping these businesses to grow and expand—but Hillary Clinton is trying to shut them down.

She opposes school choice.

She supports open borders that violate the civil rights of African-Americans by giving their jobs to people here unlawfully.

She supports trade policies that have closed factories in African-American communities and put millions of African-Americans out of work.

She supports radical regulations that put Americans out of work and raise the price of their energy bills.

She supports policies on crime that make communities less safe, and that make it harder to raise your children in security and peace.

I believe every single parent in this country—and especially in the inner cities—has the right to raise their kids in safety. This is one of the great civil rights issues of our time.

But Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to talk about any of this. She can’t defend her record. She doesn’t have one single proposal that hasn’t been tried and failed. She doesn’t have one idea that does anything but destroy jobs for African-American and Hispanic citizens—and all citizens—in our country.

So what does she do when she can’t defend her record?

She lies, she smears, she paints decent Americans as racists. She bullies voters, who only want a better future, and tries to intimidate them out of voting for change.

As I discussed yesterday, these are the same tactics the establishment powers used to try to scare the British people out of voting for change too.

It didn’t work there. It won’t work here.

The American people are ready to vote for freedom, opportunity and justice. They are ready to take back control of their own futures.

It’s time the Clintons were held accountable for their inappropriate conduct. According to the book Game Change, Bill Clinton said about President Barack Obama that “a few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee.” And we’ve all seen the cringe-worthy comments from Hillary Clinton, which I won’t get into here but we all know what they are.

Here’s the important point though that I want to get across today. Hillary Clinton isn’t just attacking me, she’s attacking all the people who support our movement.

We can’t let that stand. Voters are used to the old game where failed politicians like Hillary Clinton falsely smear Republicans with charges of racism. Republicans then back down. Democrats then continue to push policies that are devastating to communities of color.

We must break this corrupt cycle. And we are going to break it beginning today.


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