Berkeley Riots

FRC Speaker: These Are the Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth


The United States of America is not a gigantic daycare charged with ensuring the needs of every resident are met, but somehow the nation born of “Give me liberty, or give me death!” has become the nation of “Take care of me, please.”

Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper has become known for his passionate defense of intellectual freedom on college campuses, which were once bastions of free speech, but have more recently become inundated with oftentimes conflicting speech codes that ultimately stifle the free exchange of ideas. Piper advocates tirelessly for cultural courage grounded in the conservation of time-tested truths, and is the 2016 recipient of the Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for Academic Freedom.

“His commentary on religion, education and politics challenges the intolerant tolerance of today’s academic community,” the Family Research Council declared in a recent press release announcing a speech he will give at noon EDT Tuesday. “Dr. Piper is the author of Why I Am a Liberal, and Other Conservative Ideas and the viral op-ed titled ‘This is Not a Daycare, It’s a University.’ His op-eds are routinely featured in local and national news outlets and he serves as a regular guest on talk-radio across the nation.”

Click here to register to hear Piper’s speech.


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