FBI Director-designate Christopher Wray

Watch Live: Christopher Wray Goes Before the Senate Judiciary Committee


FBI Director-designate Christopher Wray was scheduled Wednesday to begin his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary at approximately 9:30 a.m. EST.

Wray has the support of a number of national law enforcement organizations, including:

  • Bob Bushman, president of the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations Coalition: “Throughout his career, Chris Wray has been a been a true partner with state and local law enforcement agencies in a shared mission of protecting the safety of our fellow Americans. As narcotic officers, our members have witnessed firsthand the devastation that drugs bring to our communities and the impact of addiction on our most precious commodity, America’s young people. We believe that Chris Wray’s leadership at the FBI will continue to promote partnership and collaboration between our nation’s state and local police officers and the FBI. Working together in a true spirit of cooperation, America’s law enforcement officers, including the men and women of the FBI, will turn the tide on the opioid crisis and drug-fueled violent crime plaguing our communities.”
  • Sandra Hutchens, president of the Major County Sheriffs of America: “While significant coordination challenges continue between the FBI and state and local law enforcement, progress has clearly been made, and Mr. Wray has demonstrated that he is deeply committed to advancing the Bureau’s working relationship with local law enforcement. Through our candid dialogue, we are confident Mr. Wray will actively seek our input and give serious consideration to our comments and recommendations.”
  • Chuck Canterbury, national president of the Fraternal Order of Police: “President Donald J. Trump could not have picked a more qualified nominee to head our nation’s largest federal law enforcement agency or have chosen someone with more integrity to lead the FBI in the 21st century. On behalf of the more than 33,000 members of the Fraternal Order of Police, I am proud to offer our full support for Christopher A. Wray to be the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
  • Thomas O’Connor, president of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Agents Association: “Several years ago the FBIAA developed principles to guide the selection of a new FBI director. These principles focus on the need for a director to both embrace the centrality of special agents to the Bureau and possess the knowledge necessary to combat new and changing threats to the safety of our country. The FBIAA met recently with Mr. Wray and is confident that he understands the nature of investigative work and the centrality of special agents to the mission of the FBI. Mr. Wray is a strong nominee, and the FBIAA supports his confirmation.”

Click here to read the Judiciary Committee’s questionnaire and Wray’s responses to those questions. You can watch the entire confirmation hearing in the livestream above. {eoa}


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