Franklin Graham with Vice President Mike Pence.

Franklin Graham: Prayer Transcends Politics


Evangelist Franklin Graham praised the power of prayer after Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., was injured in a rampage against Republicans Wednesday.

Scalise was practicing for the Congressional baseball game when James T. Hodgkinson approached the field and opened fire. Scalise was one of four wounded in the attack. Hodgkinson later died from injuries sustained by return fire.

“Prayer should always transcend political party,” Graham comments on his Facebook page.

The evangelist was inspired by a viral photo depicting House Democrats laying hands on one another as they bow their heads in prayer.

“Our country needs to be unified and acknowledge that we are One Nation Under God first—not Democrat or Republican. Will you join me in continuing to pray for Congressman Scalise, the other victims of this violent act, and for all those in leadership in Washington and across America. We need God’s help,” Graham continues. {eoa}


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