Evangelist Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham Issues Harsh Rebuke Over These Breaking Facts


Planned Parenthood’s latest report should make us sick to our stomachs, evangelist Franklin Graham.

The Daily Signal reports Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions but only 3,889 adoption referrals. Planned Parenthood also provided 7,762 prenatal services in 2016-2017, down from 9,419 in 2015-2016. The abortion giant’s excess revenue increased from $77.5 million in 2015 to $98.5 million this past year and received $543.7 million in taxpayer dollars in 2016.

“It includes some numbers that should make us all sick to our stomachs,” Graham says. “This organization continues to thrive financially with the help of over $543,700,000 of U.S. Government funding for the 2016-2017 year. That’s about 1/3 of their total income. This money comes from the paychecks of taxpayers—incredible! Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows that they performed 321,384 abortions (murders)—roughly 83 abortions for every one adoption referral. Planned Parenthood and its advocates are powerful. Congress needs to do the right thing and defund this abortion machine. You can personally do something to help by calling or emailing your senators and representatives to say that you’re sick and tired of your money going to Planned Parenthood.”


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