Mike Evans, left, prays.

Guatemala Follows Trump’s Lead, Moves Embassy to Jerusalem


Guatemala’s evangelical president, Jimmy Morales, accepted the Friends of Zion Award in the Presidential Palace for Friends of Zion founder Dr. Mike Evans for his historic decision to move the Guatemalan Embassy to Jerusalem.

In December, President Donald Trump received the Friends of Zion Award from Dr. Mike Evans in the oval office at an event attended by Vice President Pence, senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump and faith leaders representing over 150 million Christians globally.

Since that historic event, Evans has been mobilizing his 32 million Friends of Zion supporters to influence world leaders to stand with Israel and Jewish people and recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Evans reaffirmed his commitment that “Every world leader that says “yes” will receive the Friend of Zion Award” and pledged to keep working around the world to encourage other countries to move their embassy to Jerusalem. The Friends of Zion Museum is involved in these historic declarations in many respects including a massive international campaign, which supports President Trump and President Morales for their historic recognition of Jerusalem.

Guatemala is honored at the Friends of Zion Heritage Center as one of the nations who voted for the State of Israel in the U.N. vote on the Nov. 29, 1947. About 41 percent of Guatemala’s 15 million population are evangelicals, according to The Friends of Zion Institute for Strategic Studies, which regularly maps the evangelical demographics and influence globally.

Dr. Mike Evans, the founder of the Friends of Zion Heritage Center in Jerusalem, heads the world’s largest pro-Israel social network organization worldwide including, 5,952,500 in India; 5,777,607 in Indonesia; and 3,685,561 in the Philippines.

Dr. Evans declared that: “Trump has ever built an historic alliance for the state of Israel and the Jewish people, and no president has courageously stood up for the state of Israel on the global stage. President Trump’s historic recognition of Jerusalem will secure his place in history as the first American president to take that step since the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.”

President Trump’s historic declaration regarding Jerusalem takes its place as one of Israel’s historic milestones, from the Balfour Declaration to President Truman’s acceptance of Israel into the family of nations. These heroes presented in the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem tell the stories characters throughout history that have stood by the Jewish people and helped establish the state of Israel. The names of these non-Jewish Zionists are engraved in history, and millions of people worldwide have learned of their heroism, thanks to the groundbreaking work of Dr. Evans and the Friends of Zion Museum.

The Friends of Zion Heritage Center has become one of the central institutions in the state of Israel, influencing the world and strengthening Israel’s relations globally while fortifying the pillars of the state of Israel. In addition to more than 31 million members globally, the museum has hosted over 100 diplomats, such as U.S. Ambassador David Freedman, President Rivlin, tens of thousands of Christian and Jewish leaders, NBA and NFL superstars, leading Hollywood actors and singers and is has become a must-see site in Jerusalem.


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