Tony Perkins speaks out about religious liberty.

Tony Perkins on Religious Liberty: ‘We Have Just Begun to Fight’


Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, says the fight over religious liberty is just beginning, and he’s ready to fight.

“To borrow a phrase from history, ‘we have just begun to fight,'” Perkins tells The Daily Signal. “We will not shrink back; we will not be silent on our most fundamental freedom. Now is the time for every God-fearing American who cares about the future of this nation and the future of their children and grandchildren to engage in this battle for our most fundamental freedom: the freedom of religion.”

Perkins has been active in the fight for religious liberty. At FRC’s Values Voter Summit last month, he brought in some high-profile Christians who have been under attack for standing up for their religious beliefs.

His organization honored Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis with the “Cost of Discipleship Award” for the sacrifice and stand she took for refusing to issue wedding licenses to gay couples.

Perkins is imploring Christians and people of faith around the country to fight back, just as Davis did.

“It’s time to stand up and exercise that freedom, whether it’s in the workplace, whether it’s in school, whether it’s in the public square as a public official or in our homes, in our churches. Everywhere there is air, there must be religious freedom, and we must exercise it.”


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