
2015 politics SarahPalinSpeaksToTeaParty Iowa2011 Reuters

Fox News Purges Sarah Palin


Fox News has announced that Sarah Palin will no longer be an FNC contributor. The network offered the former vice presidential candidate and wildly popular speaker a greatly reduced salary, which she declined to accept. While Palin will continue to appear on FNC and Fox Business, she will be far less prominent. With her departure, […]

2015 politics USFlag LGBT CROP Reuters

It’s Time to Dump the Race, Religion, and Gay Narrative


A narrative has been written by the powers that be, in the media and popular culture, which has successfully divided humanity into segments related to ethnicity, religious beliefs, and sexual preference.  Consequently, neighbors of diverse backgrounds interact and view each “other” with a particular categorical lens replete with disdain, because it assigns baggage and demonizes

2015 politics RandyForbes MikeHuckabee Facebook

Faith it Forward: Why America Needs to Unite Around Faith


Did you know that, according to the American Enterprise Institute, someone who attends church regularly is 21 percent more likely to donate to charity, and 26 percent more likely to volunteer, than someone who does not? As a nation, we also outpace every other developed country in charitable giving. Faith is not the only motivator

2015 politics MarkMeadows CongressionalPortrait113thCongress

(Mark) Meadows Raked by the GOP


Only in Congress can being a leader cost you a leadership job. Unfortunately, that’s the risk members take when their votes are driven by their conscience and constituents — not their careers. After a rough few years between Speaker John Boehner, R-OH, and the House’s more conservative wing, GOP leaders have decided that some members have

2015 politics SheriffGradyJudd PolkSheriffOfficeWebsite

Atheists Cop an Attitude with this Sheriff


If the Freedom from Religion Foundation thought they could bully Grady Judd, they picked on the wrong man. The Polk County Sheriff isn’t the slightest bit intimidated by the group’s bullying machine. Apparently, the atheists at FFRF had nothing better to do than criticize Grady’s outfit at an April church meeting. Like he has for

2015 politics FlagRestingOnBible Reuters

How to Save American Culture from the Devil — and the Church


This past week, my wife, Rosemary, and I were honored to host the Future Conference at Skyline Church, where I have served as senior pastor for the past 20 years. Over the unique four-day event, more than 50 speakers covered 27 different topics, seguing seamlessly from one topic to another in a manner that only

2015 politics DonaldTrump HandUp Reuters

Why Christians Should Thank Donald Trump (and All the Other Candidates) for Running


On Tuesday, Donald Trump became the 24th announced candidate for president of the United States. He has since been lampooned on late-night talk shows, Twitter, and across the blogosphere. The Daily Beast’s P. J. O’Rourke was particularly caustic, asking of the declared candidates, “Do they take us voters for fools? Of course. But are they also deluded? Are they

2015 politics JebBush 06152015 2016PresidentialAnnouncement

Jeb Bush Answers Evangelicals’ Top Question


Pastor Robert Jeffress lifted the veil on a private meeting the nation’s Christian leaders had with a half-dozen presidential hopefuls, revealing the top question evangelicals want candidates to answer: Do you plan to fight the persecution of Christians by ISIS abroad and by the secular Left at home? This week Jeb Bush answered that question

2015 politics RobertJeffress Hannity PersecutionsComing

Media Propaganda is Prepping America to Persecute Christians (Video)


There’s no question that the media and entertainment industries promote anti-Christian propaganda at every turn – but what impact will it have on Americans’ liberties in the future? One evangelical leader says the depths of hatred being stirred up by the media will end in the persecution of Christians in the next generation. “It doesn’t

2015 politics ChildWearingObamaHatAsleepInChurchPew Reuters

Don’t Blame Obama for America’s Moral Decay


There is a segment of our society that is ready to blame President Obama for everything, including America’s moral disintegration. Although Obama’s election and reelection were manifestations of America’s decline, he is not the cause of it. And although Hilary Clinton’s election would be the final nail in the coffin of the America we once

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