
5 Reasons the USA is in Serious Decline


The word of God tells us that the nation of Israel was disinherited because they turned away from God. Various sins were manifest in Israel including idolatry, sexual immorality, false prophets who promised peace, and so on. Regarding the USA, it happens to be the only other nation besides Israel (that we know of in […]

NC Governor Pat McCrory: Please Return to Your Christian Roots


Dear Governor McCrory, With all respect to your office and your many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I must say that I read your response to the congressional override of your veto to Senate Bill 2 with real disappointment. Are you the same man who stood so strongly against gay activism

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We’re Only Endangering Ourselves by Doing This


In his best-selling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas writes: “On January 30, 1933, at noon, Adolf Hitler became the democratically elected chancellor of Germany. The land of Goethe, Schiller, and Bach would now be led by someone who consorted with crazies and criminals, who was often seen carrying a dog whip in public. The Third

Rick Perry’s Marriage Misstep


It is now the “gotcha” question being asked to every Republican presidential candidate: “Would you attend a same-sex ‘wedding’ ceremony?” Rick Santorum said no, since it would be a violation of his faith. Marco Rubio said yes, even though he disagrees with it as a Catholic, just as he disagrees with divorce and remarriage, but

Ted Cruz Is First Top-Tier Movement Conservative Candidate Since Reagan


The official announcement that Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is running for president changes everything in the 2016 presidential campaign. Ted Cruz isn’t running for vice president or secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Jeb Bush administration. Every Republican candidate for president will have to move to significantly to the right, starting with

Todd Starnes: The Establishment Will Try to Destroy Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz wants to be our next president. And he made his case at the stroke of midnight on Twitter, in less than 140 characters. The Zenator officially launched his campaign at Liberty University today. It’s a smart move—there’s no better place to mobilize evangelical voters than Liberty. But I believe the senator’s biggest opposition

Why the Gay Agenda is Praising Jeb Bush


It is becoming apparent that Jeb Bush is the favorite Republican Party presidential contender of the Washington Blade-D.C.’s “gay news source”—due to his politically-correct evolution on homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.” The Blade and other liberal media report favorably every time the former Florida governor moves away from the conservative, pro-family, Republican platform defending marriage as between man and

Rand Paul’s Vision for a More Inclusive Republican Party


In an effort to expand his party’s base of support, Sen. Rand Paul is urging fellow Republicans to “find a place for young people and others who don’t want to be festooned by” issues like traditional marriage. Is he serious? Does he actually think this is a winning strategy? And can he truly believe that

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The Heart-Breaking Reality of Hell


My father has said, “Some teach ‘universalism’—that eventually everybody will be saved and the God of love will never send anyone to hell. They believe the words ‘eternal’ or ‘everlasting’ do not actually mean forever.” This is what pastor and author Rob Bell and many others are teaching. Bell, in fact, has invoked my father’s

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